前言 本文用于记录GeoServer开发环境的搭建过程 通过GeoServer发布计划可以看到,在2.23.x版本开始,会移除对jdk1.8的支持。那么当前我们会选择2.22.x版本进行研究 环境 JAVA:1.8或11 Maven Git Action 获取源码 git clone git:// geoserver # or git clone geoserver 代码库结构 Each branch has the following structure: build - release and continuous integration scripts doc - sources for the user and developer guides src - java sources for GeoServer itself data - a variety of GeoServer data directories / configurations 切换到2.22.x分支 # 查看分支 git branch -av # 切换分支 git checkout -b 2....